SmartNews in the News
NBC News, Washington Post, SmartNews apps retool content packaging ahead of midterms
News Aggregator SmartNews Launches US Ads Business
Apache Iceberg in SmartNews
Optimizing push frequency for new users
SmartNews Engineering Blog on Medium
Talk by SmartNews’s Chief Advertising Officer: From Google to SmartNews: The Unique Ad Opportunities Presented by News Apps
Advertising Week
Large-Scale Deep Learning Model Engineering at SmartNews
SmartNews Engineering Blog on Medium
News aggregator SmartNews raises $230 million, valuing its business at $2 billion
Ready for Prime Time: Japan’s Maturing Startup Ecosystem
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
SmartNews Launches New Feature for Movie and Show Recommendations
Cision PR Newswire
User Behavior Sequence for Items Recommendation in SmartNews Ads
SmartNews Engineering Blog on Medium