More than 80% of all Fortune 100 companies rely on Kafka for mission-critical applications. However, that does not mean that using Kafka is not without challenges, especially in a dynamic environment. During this meetup, engineering manager Tao Xiao and engineer Yushen Li will speak about how SmartNews is harnessing the power of Kafka by building on PaaS. They will also speak about NLP and EBS setup, security considerations, as well as performance tuning.
This event will be held in English.
Tao Xiao
Engineering Manager in Infrastructure and Tooling
Tao joined SmartNews in 2020/10 as EM of Infrastructure and tooling SH team. Tao has more than 10 years of engineering experiences ranging from enterprise backend development to big data processing. In SmartNews Tao’s team is focus on providing real-time solutions to strength all aspects of the company. Tao’s hobby is snowboarding, bodybuilding and tennis.
Yushen Li
Site Reliability Engineer
Yushen joined SmartNews in 2021/02 as an Engineer in the Platform Infrastructure team. For the past 7 years, Yushen worked as an SRE for Google on a couple of products including Cloud SQL. Yushen’s team focus on providing platforms that enable quick developments for other engineering team in the company, including SPaaS, a Kubernetes-based platform. Yushen is an aviation enthusiast and plays badminton on weekends.
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