JP Office Online

SmartNews Online Meetup #51

Chat with Engineers from the Ads Ranking Team

19:00 - 20:00 (JST)

What’s an Online Open Office?
Similar to an open day at a school or university, our Online Open Office series is a chance to meet screen-to-screen with people from SmartNews. We highlight one team per open office, providing them the opportunity to go deep on topics about their work and life at SmartNews. You can also get answers to your questions either by asking in advance on the registration page or during the event using the chat feature.

This event is an excellent event for anyone who wants to learn more about SmartNews, especially those actively interviewing or considering applying for a position!

During this event, we will speak with three members of our Ads Ranking team about topics such as: 
– The structure of their team and what they do
– Their reasons for joining SmartNews
– Technical challenges and opportunities for career growth
– Their feelings about working at a global company

…and more!

Check out our open positions for this team!
Software Engineer, Applied Machine Learning (Ads Ranking)
Backend Engineer, Machine Learning


Ryoichi Nishio

Engineering Manager, Ads Ranking Tokyo

Ryoichi joined SmartNews as a beginner in software engineering in 2013. Before SmartNews, he was a researcher of physics for a short period. He worked for backend systems and algorithms for News and Ads teams and has been an engineering manager since 2018. His hobbies are reading books about philosophy, riding his road bike, and playing with his six-month-old baby.

Naoki Orii

Software Engineer

Naoki joined SmartNews’ San Francisco office in 2015 and developed NLP and recommendation engines for news articles. He relocated to the Tokyo office in 2018 and has been working on online advertising systems since then. His interests lie in the intersection of machine learning and backend engineering.

Xiang Chen

Software Engineer

Xiang Chen joined SmartNews as a backend engineer in the Ads Ranking team in November 2020. Before joining SmartNews, he worked as a backend engineer focusing on news recommendation platforms in Beijing for three years. Now, most of the time, he works on online services, including supporting new features related to Machine Learning models/strategies, improving efficiency, and making services easier to maintain and extend. His hobbies are watching movies, dancing, and now learning the Japanese language in Tokyo.


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