JP Office Online

SmartNews Online Meetup #52

Building the QA Team at SmartNews

12:00 - 13:00 (JST)

If you’re looking to make a big impact with your experience in automation testing or as a QA engineer, how about joining a brand new team?

Our QA Engineering Manager Marc Lihan knows what it’s like to grow a team. He successfully established the QA team at his previous company, LINE Taiwan, and grew it to over forty employees. Now, he’s looking for talented individuals ready to take on new challenges to join him in shaping the future of this mission-critical team.

During this event, he and Christopher Drum, software engineer from the mobile foundations team, will cover topics such as:

  • Their reasons for joining SmartNews
  • The tools currently in use and the challenges of scaling their operations as the organization grows
  • Daily life and opportunities for career growth in SmartNews
  • What kind of people they are looking to join the team and advice for interviewing

…and more!

This event is recommended for anyone who is interested in:

  • Taking up the challenge of running Android/iOS weekly release cycles
  • Work with product and development teams of talented developers from around the world that are passionate about new ideas
  • Focusing on test automation in order to improve quality of the product
  • Designing creating a test automation framework and integrate into release pipeline
  • Joining a new team as a founding member

Open Positions on This Team
Software Engineer in Test, Quality Assurance

What’s an Online Open Office?
Similar to an open day at a school or university, our Online Open Office series is a chance to meet screen-to-screen with people from SmartNews. We highlight one team per open office, providing them the opportunity to go deep on topics about their work and life at SmartNews. You can also get answers to your questions either by asking in advance on the registration page or during the event using the chat feature.
This event is an excellent event for anyone who wants to learn more about SmartNews, especially those actively interviewing or considering applying for a position!


Marc Lihan

Quality Assurance

Marc was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. He moved to Japan and obtained his Master’s Degree in Information, Production, and Systems from Waseda University. He started his career in Japan as a software engineer at NEC before making the move to Taiwan to accept a position as a  system infrastructure engineer in Test at HTC. Marc next joined LINE Taiwan as the first engineer to be hired locally. There, he established their QA team and grew it to over forty employees. He joined SmartNews in May 2021 as the engineering manager for the QA team. Outside of work, he enjoys watching movies, playing mobile games, and spending time with his two young daughters.

Christopher Drum

Software Engineer in Mobile Foundation

Christopher is a native of San Francisco with roots in North Carolina who has called Japan home for the past nine years. He started his career as a Creative Director for a series of business magazines and then transitioned to photo retouching for Macy’s advertising. While with Macy’s, Christopher transitioned to a career in IT and became the IT Manager and QA Manager. He held several iOS development and engineering roles before joining SmartNews as a front-end Software Engineer for the mobile app team in October of 2014. His current hobbies include deconstructing old software by rebuilding it in Pico-8, trying to learn Forth programming language on the Commodore 64, and PC games.


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